buko pie recipe

2 cups of all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of vinegar
1/4 cup of cold water
2/3 cup of shortening
1 piece of egg yolk
4 cups of coconut shredded threads
1 cup coconut of water
1 can of condensed milk 
2/3 cup of cornstarch

In a medium-sized bowl, mix the flour and salt then cut the shortening using a pastry cutter.
Mix the water, egg yolk and vinegar. Slowly pour in the liquid to the flour and mix it until the can be handled.
Cut the dough into two. Make sure that the other one is slightly bigger than the other. Then roll up the bigger dough about 2 larger than 16-inch plate.

Fit the dough in a pie plate to make its side hangs. Roll the remaining dough for the crust and set aside.
Mix all the ingredients in a thick casserole. Cook it and stir well to thicken. Let it cool and pour it into the crust.
Cover its top with the crust and crimp its edges to seal it. Bake it within 1 hour at 220 degrees Celsius and Serve.

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