bbq moink Balls

32 ounces, weight Frozen Pre-Cooked Meatballs (Walmart Great Value Brand)
32 ounces, weight Bacon
1 box Toothpicks
1 pinch Cayenne Pepper
Maple Syrup Or Favorite BBQ Sauce For Dipping
for the homemade rub:
4 Tablespoons Kosher Salt
2 Tablespoons White Granulated Sugar
2 Tablespoons Brown Sugar
2 Tablespoons California Mild Chili Powder
2 Tablespoons Paprika
1 Tablespoon Ground Cumin
1 Tablespoon Granulated Garlic
1 Tablespoon Black Pepper
½ teaspoons Cayenne Pepper (Use Sparingly)

Combine all of the rub ingredients in a small bowl. Set aside. If desired, soak some apple wood chunks).
Preheat your grill or BBQ pit to 300 F.
Semi-thaw the meatballs and wrap each with a half slice (or enough of a slice to totally wrap the meatball) of bacon and hold in place with a toothpick. Dust with some of the homemade BBQ rub. Sprinkle some cayenne pepper over them if you like your Moinks spicy.
Cook the Moinks on the top grate in a 300 F pit with the pre-smoked apple wood chunks on the embers to provide flavoring smoke. Remove the Moinks when bacon becomes crisp. drizzle with some maple syrup or your favorite sweet BBQ sauce to have some sweet to balance the salty bacon.

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