Hammer Chili Chicken Recipe


Complete chicken 1 kg
Green chili insert 4 tbsp
Ginger garlic clove stick Some tbsp of
Papaya insert 2 tablespoons
Salt for every flavor
Oil 1/4 pot
Lemon 2-4


Appropriately sludge hammer your chicken busts and also the leg piece.
You can add green chili, salt, ginger root garlic clove, papaya towards the chicken and combination well.
Leave for 20 minute in order to marinate.
High temperature oil in a pan along with cook chicken.
Protect with the cover and also cook on lower warmth.
While beef becomes soft, takeout along with bbq grill the actual chicken allow it grill marks and also cooked flavor.
Spread lemon veggie juice and also serve very hot.
Hammer Chili Chicken is ready to serve.

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