Raw Blackberry Cheesecake Recipe

Half a tin of coconut milk
2 tablespoons of coconut oil...
2 handfuls of cashew nuts
2 tablespoons of maple syrup
Half a teaspoon of vanilla paste
Handful of blackberries / raspberries or mixed berries
2 handfuls of chopped dried dates
Teaspoon of maple syrup
1 tablespoon of coconut oil

Use a springform miniature cake tin to make this dessert. It keeps the round form perfectly. The base layer will stick to the bottom of the tin but you can use a sharp knife to free it.
Blitz the base layer in a food processor. Spoon the mixture into the cake tin and press gently into the bottom to form your cheesecake base. Place in the freezer.
Wash your food processor (you want the middle layer pure white) and blend all the white layer ingredients together (that’s everything else, aside from the berries). Pour half the mixture onto the cooled base layer and return to the freezer.
Add the berries to the food processor and blitz again. Wait until the white layer you placed in the freezer has set (around 45 minutes) and pour the berry layer on top. I love sprinkling some dried rose petals on to the cheesecake at this point so that they set into the top layer. Return to the freezer.
The cheesecake will need around a further 30-45 minutes to set fully. It keeps beautifully in the freezer, but make sure you place it in the fridge for an hour or two before serving it to allow it to thaw.
Serve it with fresh berries and pretty flowers

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